Sunday, July 8, 2012


Ok, so I gotta be honest here. Soda sucks. On the one hand, it's freakin delicious and makes all of my food taste better. On the other hand, it's turning me into a morbidly obese doughball. I mean I can't blame soda alone, but lets be real. I drink roughly 6-8 cans of soda a day, a day! That's just plain unhealthy, and is causing my body mucho amounts of harmo. Let's look at the numbers for a sec.

One can of coke has 140 calories. Some simple math tells me that I am consuming upwards of 1100 calories a day in soda alone. That's not even counting the sugar, and caffeine. I am literally drowning myself in carbonated beverages.

The worst thing, I mean the worst that I can't control myself. That sucks. I wish I had the willpower to stop but I don't. I am like an addict. I'm obviously addicted to caffeine, but I feel like a real addict. Soda is my crack, my heroin, my coke (drug puns, oh society). I've tried to stop and failed  miserably.

The reason I am blogging about this is not for attention. This isn't the plight of the fat soda addict. I just haven't addressed it before. I have always known soda was a problem area, but I just wanna let my limited readership know my opinion on myself and my choices.

Bottom Line: I hate soda, and love soda. That's all.

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