Thursday, July 5, 2012

Friends, Family and the Mad Dash

Hey everyone I have literally no update on my list of things. Sorry about that as you all know, I suck at these things. I should really blog more. I love to do it, but I just stink at commitment. It's a flaw that I would love to  talk more about but I'll save that for a later post. Now on to the juicy stuff (well not really juicy, sorry I try to make it sound  interesting).

This post is going to be about the end of my oh-so-fantastic summer. Can you feel the sarcasm yet?  I mean this summer hasn't been terrible. It has actually been quite the opposite. What I mean to say is that I am actually enjoying being here. I am actually happy to be home and I haven't felt that way in a really long time. It's kind of sad really because my life at home is usually a countdown until I go back to school in the fall. This is where the Mad Dash part of my post comes into play. I usually sit here sad and depressed, waiting on my chance to return to my magical escape. This summer however, has been different. School is approaching very rapidly and I still have a lot to do. It's kind of scary. I need to get my act together and get started, but I am not used to feeling that way during the summer. It's kind of daunting.

Now on to the Family part of the post. Some could misconstrue this post as me bashing my family (a.k.a my aunt). This is not what I am saying, I love my family. Previously at home I have felt like there is nothing there for me. I didn't feel like I was important there. At school I am involved, I have a lot of friends and I feel like I accomplish things. At home I felt like a piece of furniture...a lamp...or a really big chair. Now I feel like I matter. People actually listen to me and value my opinion. People actually want my company. I have hung out with my cousin Tyler more this summer than ever before. My other cousin Michael has always valued my company, but we hang out a lot too. I just feel comfortable with my family, I feel more connected, I feel like I belong there. It's weird, I know because I have always belonged there. I can just tell now. It feels more real.

Friends. This is the thing that is really different about this summer.  I actually have friends in Seymour, which is weird. I should have friends here, I mean I have lived here all of my life. I don't...or didn't. I have a terrible track record with my homies. One day I'm chattin' about life and living the dream, then the next thing I know it's three months later and they could be dead for all I know. I really need to be better at KIT, but I fail HARD. Anyway, back to the point, I now have friends here. Technically they are my cousin's friends but they all seem to like me. I would hang out with most of them, and do on a pretty regular basis. Some of Tyler's friends I have known for years and are like family. Michael's girlfriend Bri is the person who I have grown the closest to. She is great and we chat about a lot of random crap.  It's weird because she is my cousin's girlfriend so my family sometimes gets the wrong idea, but she is my homie. Michael says we are dull because like to just sit and chit chat, but that's what we do. I feel weird mooching off of both of my cousin's people but I'm always here. Of course they are going to talk to me.

This is an extremely long post and probably should have been broken up, but this is a personal blog and I like to get personal. Maybe the next one will be shorter. I just like to write, and hopefully somebody likes to read what I have to say. Oh well, until next time.

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