Saturday, July 20, 2013

Life without a smart phone (first world problems)

Well peeps the inevitable finally phone got shut off. I knew it was coming. Mike closed the line down a month ago, but I wasn't in a rush to get a new phone because....well I really don't know why. The real problem is that my iphone is dead, like dead dead. So now my entertainment factor has spiraled down to nothing. These are some of the thoughts that have passed through my head over the last few days.

What time is it?

What time is it?

I could win this argument if I had the internet.

I have to go to the restroom what am I going to do?!

What time is it?

I wonder who that actor is, they look so familiar?

I'm bored.

I could check Facebook but my computer is waaaayyy upstairs.

What time is it?

Really though who the fuck is that actor?

I could show you I'm RIGHT IF I HAD MY DAMN PHONE!!!!!


I need to buy a clock.

The back of this shampoo bottle looks really interesting. Hmmmm they removed the lather, rinse repeat.

Do I even remember how to check my email on the computer?

Tumblr password....shit

gmail password....shit

Just give me your phone, I WILL prove you wrong....please

I've never actually read the terms and conditions sheet on my bedside table...looks kind of interesting

Will someone please look up that fucking actor?

It's late and I should go to sleep, but what will I do for an hour before I actually fall asleep

Oh you are just going to run inside, I'll just wait here....alone

Fuck this, I'm getting a watch.

The epitome of the first world problem is not having a cell phone. I promise. You don't know what you've got till it's gone has never been more accurate. I wish I wasn't so reliant on technology. This has been a Brandon complains a lot post. The truth is that I have been a little dry on blogging material lately. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Come back soonish...maybe...