Friday, August 17, 2012

Final list update

Hello all,

So, my summer officially ends on Sunday. Here is the final summer list-thing update.

  1. Bake a cake from scratch
  2. Get a job
  3. Save $100 (small goals people!)
  4. Lose 10 pounds
  5. Only drink one soda a day
  6. Beat my cousin and his friends at 21
  7. Talk to a different person from my past every day for a week
  8. Write a blog post everyday for a week
  9. Get a tan (This one's a stretch)
  10. Read a book
  11. Update my very crappy website
  12. Get all my leadership stuff going
  13. Make dinner for my family
  14. Get outside more (twice a week) for two weeks
  15. Go without TV for a day
  16. Create my own award show (Donelle Henderlong)
  17. Jog a mile
  18. Watch Citizen Kane
  19. Complete a coloring book
  20. Learn a magic trick
So from the looks of it I failed big time, but you know what I'm not sweating it. When I posted my blog about failure, I got some amazing responses that made me reevaluate my stance on life. Let's be clear, I did not have a life changing moment because of a blog post. I just saw that people appreciate me and that made a difference ya know. So instead of counting these as failures, I'm going to count this list as a step in the right direction. I'm going to make another list eventually. It's good to have goals and a plan, and even if I don't finish everything on the list. At least I started something.

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