Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We will never forget

I don't even remember the teacher's name. He ran into the room and turned on the t.v. I had no idea what was going on. I remember the chaos. Lots of questions. People crying. It was intense.

9:03...That's when the second plane hit. I am positive I saw it happen, it's a very strong memory. At the same time, we can create memories. Completely fabricate something to make it fit.  Maybe I didn't see the second plane hit, but I feel like I did. Everything else is blurry, the pentagon, flight 93 but that memory is crisp. I can still see it.

I had a an extra ice cream bar at lunch. I figured if I was going to die then might as well enjoy my last day on earth. Yolo. We didn't know if the attacks were over or  when they were going to end. I could have been dead by sundown.

Last period: we had a test. Mean teacher lady wouldn't let us watch the news. We could after we finished our test. I wasn't that upset. The news was scary and sad. Mostly sad.

We had a fundraiser the next day. Pay whatever you want to wear a hat. We raised $1100. That's what happens when everything changes, people band together. When life could crumble around you at any second, you latch onto the people around you. That's what America did. That's what we did.

Everything else is blurry and sad. Hate crimes, accusations, mystery terrorist. It's all a distant memory now. 11 years ago our lives changed forever. There was a sense of vulnerability that hadn't been experienced in a long time. I don't think I will ever forget those feelings, they will always be there.

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