Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I chose the labyrinth

Hey Guys,

I stumbled across an old post I started to write and I decided to finish it.

So I was reading this book called Looking for Alaska and I felt inspired to blog. I'm thinking about doing a book review on my other blog but that's not what I'm going to do here. There is a line that I want to reflect on. "After all this time, it seems like straight and fast is the only way out but I choose the labyrinth."

I am not sure why but for some reason this line really stands out to me. The labyrinth is our pain and suffering. Sometimes it feels like we are trapped in maze of sorrow and despair. Constantly struggling to find our way to a better, happier existence. The walls are tall and the path is dark, but we have to navigate the labyrinth because we are human.

It seems like straight and fast are the only way out. When you look back, that seems like the easiest answer. Why waste all of this time wandering, struggling, suffering when you can get out quick.(SIDE NOTE: I think this comes off as a bit suicidal, that's definitely not what I was going for. This is where the post ended and now I am going to finish it.)  I definitely think this quote can apply to anything in life. It always seems easiest to take the shortcuts, because that is how we are conditioned. We are bombarded with messages telling us that we need to accomplish everything as fast as possible with a minimal amount of effort.

I tend to think that there is something really rewarding about choosing the labyrinth. You find your way through the twist and turns and eventually you come out a better person. You may be exhausted, tired, and fraught but you made it. If you don't make it out, if you find yourself wandering endlessly,  at least you didn't take the easy way out. That puts you a cut above the rest and maybe you will discover your path. The labyrinth is a dark and scary place but that is what makes it worth taking.

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