Friday, March 8, 2013

Goal Post-Life

Hello there!

Sorry for the hiatus everyone! There has been tons-o-stress in my life recently and I haven't had the time to blog. Well...I have had the time to blog, I just wasn't feeling it. Times they are a changin' and I finally decided to pick up the pen (or open the laptop or whatever).

It's spring break (yay) and I have been contemplating the current status of my life. Let's be frank, it's a shit show! I know how popular the whole list format is so I'll break it down for ya.

  1. I have no job.
  2. I have no money.
  3. My GPA is VERY sub par.
  4. I keep racking up health problems because of my still ballooning weight gain.
  5. Over stress
The list goes on and on. I've spent the majority of my break trying to come up with some solutions to my problems. You know what I've come up with? Squat. Fear not, my less than enthused readership because I have a plan. I'm thinking the only way I'm going to see long-term results is with a steady amount of short-term goals. Are we seeing a solution here? I hope so!

This is what I'm thinking. I am going to tackle these problems one short term goal at a time. The job/money problems aren't particularly fixable right now but everything else definitely is. I'm also going to try to start posting more regularly. I love to write and apparently writing gets better with practice.  So here it is, my list of short term goals for the coming week.

Goal 1: 2 homework sessions (by myself or in a group)
Goal 2: Limit myself to 2 sodas per day.
Goal 3: Identify some major causes of stress in my life
Goal 4: Continue looking for a job

I know it doesn't seem like much, but I am going to try very hard to stick to these short-term goals. I hope my distaste for failure will see me through. I'm sorry this post is extremely boring and I hope to come up with some more entertaining material soon. Until that time, this is what you are stuck with. 

1 comment:

  1. Brandon, don't sell yourself short-- those are fantastic goals! and the fact that you recognize you need change is a great thing in and of itself! you can do it buddy! keep me posted as to how it's going :)
