Sunday, June 10, 2012


UPDATE: so far so fail on my list of things to do for the summer. I am working on some of them, but have failed miserably on others. I like to pretend that my small readership is interested in this sort of thing. I do have a job interview, wish me luck!

Now onto the random blog post of the day. I just remembered project playlist. Now for some of you who participated in the Myspace era, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Project playlist is a website where you can listen to any songs you want for free, then you could post your customized playlist to Myspace. That's the only reason I used this website and I assume it is the same for most people. I haven't visited the site since first semester of my freshman year. I expected to find a bunch of awesome songs from my past, what I got instead was a flashback full of depressing and angsty music.

I have to admit that I did feel a bit of nostalgia when I ventured into my screamo/punk past, but that music just doesn't fit my life anymore. Somewhere down the line I decided unintelligible screams and pig squeals  weren't my thing, and decided that pop and musical numbers were what I enjoy. I know! Big change right! When the music changed from Hawthorne Heights and Alesana to Lady Gaga and Glee I knew that I had  made a full blown switcheroo. I could see why my outlook was so bleak back then (I was having a tough time). I was a high school dropout, my mom had cancer, and I had no future in sight. I don't mean to create a sob story here but it seems obvious that my taste in music reflects whats happening in my life.

I realize that this post has little to no focus, but I will continue out of self-interest.  I don't want anyone to think I am dissing the music from my past, I'm not I promise. It helped me through a lot of stuff and kept me sane. I guess I didn't realize how much things change. Situations, taste in music, outlook on life, these are all things that have changed drastically in a few short years. I looked into my past and got a huge surprise. I have all of these plans for the future and now I'm not sure I will even be the same person by then. Just some food for thought I guess. Hope you enjoyed this random post. Until next time.

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