I haven't wrote a blog post since last year and that feels wrong somehow. The problem is that I have lost my willingness to write about anything. The reason I started this blog is because I wanted to put the thoughts in my mind out there. I wanted to share what was going on inside of my brain. Now it seems like there is nothing going on inside of my brain. I'm not saying I feel stupid, I just feel...stuck.
There was a time not too long ago, when I thought everyone had something important to say. I thought that everyone was capable of amazing things and that we could all make the world an amazing place. I don't know if I feel that way anymore and that makes me really really sad.
I'm not in a bad place right now. I'm happy, but i'm worried that I'm trapped. There really is nothing worse than feeling trapped. What's worse is that I also feel very disconnected. College is starting to feel like a dream, like a daze, it's starting to feel forgettable. I don't want those times to be forgettable. I don't want those people to be forgettable.
It's sad because they aren't just forgettable to me, but I'm forgettable to them. Isn't that what we want? To be unforgettable. We like to think that our presence in people's lives was unforgettable. That we have impacted their lives forever and they will never be the same. The sad reality is that we are all just stars in the sky. An illusion of closeness with a million miles between us. We are all just destined to be memories and nothing else.
This post went to a darker place than I intended. I'm discovering my place in this world and I really don't like what I am finding. That's part of growing up I guess. The dreams and fantasies start to devolve into depressing reality. I'm trying to end on a happy note. I having trouble finding one at the moment. I guess for now I can be happy that the friendships I have made are still going strong. Most of them anyway. I guess for the moment, I can be happy with the fact that today I wasn't forgettable.