So here is the thing. My cousin and I have this similar experience and I decided to share it with my lovely blog reading franz. This thing happens where it feels like reality is slipping away.....I know weird right. I can't really explain it but it's like things aren't real and I am going to break away, reality, the world??? I don't really know. Sounds crazy? I know right. Anywho I thought I was the only one who experienced this weirdness until my cousin started talking about it.
I guess the thing I want to know is if other people experience things like this. If not, does everyone have some weird things that happen to them that they are terrified of telling other people. I mean I post mine on the internet for everyone to see, but before I was afraid to talk about it. I have real issues and this could be some side effect, but I'm not alone. Does everyone experience some unexplainable secret weirdness or just the crazy ones. I don't like to think I'm nutso but some of my friends and family might tell you otherwise. It's just something to think about I suppose.
In non-crazy person news, I think I am going to start a pop culture blog. I know that I have trouble keeping this one updated but I love pop culture and think I will be better at keeping it updated. This is a personal blog and I would like to have a blog that seems a tad more professional if you know what I'm sayin. Until next time.