Monday, June 25, 2012


UPDATE: I updated the list kind of, so if you are keeping track of  that feel free to check down there for some updates. I know you are trembling with excitement, but now on to the article.

So here is the thing. My cousin and I have this similar experience and I decided to share it with my lovely blog reading franz. This thing happens where it feels like reality is slipping away.....I know weird right. I can't really explain it but it's like things aren't real and I am going to break away, reality, the world??? I don't really know. Sounds crazy? I know right. Anywho I thought I was the only one who experienced this weirdness until my cousin started talking about it.

I guess the thing I want to know is if other people experience things like this. If not, does everyone have some weird things that happen to them that they are terrified of telling other people. I mean I post mine on the internet for everyone to see, but before I was afraid to talk about it. I have real issues and this could be some side effect, but I'm not alone. Does everyone experience some unexplainable secret weirdness or just the crazy ones. I don't like to think I'm nutso but some of my friends and family might tell you otherwise.  It's just something to think about I suppose.

In non-crazy person news, I think I am going to start a pop culture blog. I know that I have trouble keeping this one updated but I love pop culture and think I will be better at keeping it updated. This is a personal blog and I would like to have a blog that seems a tad more professional if you know what I'm sayin. Until next time.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


UPDATE: so far so fail on my list of things to do for the summer. I am working on some of them, but have failed miserably on others. I like to pretend that my small readership is interested in this sort of thing. I do have a job interview, wish me luck!

Now onto the random blog post of the day. I just remembered project playlist. Now for some of you who participated in the Myspace era, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Project playlist is a website where you can listen to any songs you want for free, then you could post your customized playlist to Myspace. That's the only reason I used this website and I assume it is the same for most people. I haven't visited the site since first semester of my freshman year. I expected to find a bunch of awesome songs from my past, what I got instead was a flashback full of depressing and angsty music.

I have to admit that I did feel a bit of nostalgia when I ventured into my screamo/punk past, but that music just doesn't fit my life anymore. Somewhere down the line I decided unintelligible screams and pig squeals  weren't my thing, and decided that pop and musical numbers were what I enjoy. I know! Big change right! When the music changed from Hawthorne Heights and Alesana to Lady Gaga and Glee I knew that I had  made a full blown switcheroo. I could see why my outlook was so bleak back then (I was having a tough time). I was a high school dropout, my mom had cancer, and I had no future in sight. I don't mean to create a sob story here but it seems obvious that my taste in music reflects whats happening in my life.

I realize that this post has little to no focus, but I will continue out of self-interest.  I don't want anyone to think I am dissing the music from my past, I'm not I promise. It helped me through a lot of stuff and kept me sane. I guess I didn't realize how much things change. Situations, taste in music, outlook on life, these are all things that have changed drastically in a few short years. I looked into my past and got a huge surprise. I have all of these plans for the future and now I'm not sure I will even be the same person by then. Just some food for thought I guess. Hope you enjoyed this random post. Until next time.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The List!!!!

EDIT: Hi guys I edited the list with some random things.
RED: Probably not going to happen
BLUE: Edited because I failed really badly
LINE: Completed!

Hello all, after an exciting afternoon full of basketball and gym I am excited to bring you the list! I know I act like this list is a big deal, and most of you don't find it very interesting, but I am sooooooo bored that I HAVE to do something. So without further ado(?) here it is!!!

  1. Bake a cake from scratch
  2. Get a job
  3. Save $100 (small goals people!)
  4. Lose 10 pounds
  5. Only drink one soda a day
  6. Beat my cousin and his friends at 21
  7. Talk to a different person from my past every day for a week
  8. Write a blog post everyday for a week
  9. Get a tan (This one's a stretch)
  10. Read a book
  11. Update my very crappy website
  12. Get all my leadership stuff going
  13. Make dinner for my family
  14. Get outside more (twice a week) for two weeks
  15. Go without TV for a day
  16. Create my own award show (Donelle Henderlong)
  17. Jog a mile
  18. Watch Citizen Kane
  19. Complete a coloring book
  20. Learn a magic trick
There it is!! I put it on the internet for all of my viewers (imaginary or real) to see. I will try my hardest to accomplish them, and keep this blog updated. That's it for now. Until next time! Hasta La Pasta!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

About that list of things

Hey imaginary viewers,

Sorry I never got around to posting that list of things I want to accomplish by the end of the summer. I wish I could say I was busy but............that would be an outright lie. I'm sorry I'll do better next time. I know my imaginary fans have been patiently waiting for my list of goals and I don't want to disappoint.

Actually I am going to disappoint. I'm sorry again (I suck at this.) I want to write a list of goals but that will require some thought. So that will be my first goal: to write a list of goals. I know it seems small, but I must take  baby steps my imaginary friends.  I will try to have them posted by tomorrow (not making any promises). Until then Hasta la Pasta!